
1045 Steel Plate: Properties, Comparisons

1.What do the numbers in 1045 steel mean?

The first number '1' in 1045 signifies that the steel is carbon. The second digit '0' indicates that the steel has no significant alloy components. The final two digits, '45,' indicate that this steel contains 0.45 percent carbon content.

1045 usually refers to a grade of steel, specifically medium carbon steel with a carbon content of about 0.45%. Carbon steel is usually divided into low carbon steel (carbon content of 0.04%~0.25%), medium carbon steel (carbon content of 0.25%~0.6%), and high carbon steel (carbon content of 0.6%~1.35%) according to the carbon content.

2.1045 Steel Plate Properties

1045 steel plate is a high-strength medium carbon quenched and tempered steel with certain plasticity and toughness, high strength, good machinability, and good comprehensive mechanical properties can be obtained by quenching and tempering. However, the welding performance of this steel is low. It can still be welded, but the weldment should be preheated before welding and annealed after welding to eliminate welding stress. Due to its low price and wide supply, 1045 steel is widely used in industrial machinery manufacturing industry.

2.What is the difference between A36 and 1045 steel? 
Attribute AISI 1045 Steel  A36 Steel
Type Medium Carbon Steel Low Carbon Mild Steel
Tensile Strength 570 - 700 MPa 400 - 550 MPa (58,000 - 79,800 psi)
Impact Resistance High Moderate
Machinability Good, may work-harden during machining Excellent, less prone to work-hardening
Weldability Good, requires preheating due to high carbon content Excellent, no preheating required
Chemical Composition Carbon content of 0.45% Carbon content of approximately 0.26%
Yield Strength Typically above 550 MPa ≥250 MPa for thickness ≤ 200mm (8 in)
Hardness Can be adjusted through heat treatment, specific values not provided Specific values not provided, generally lower than 1045 Steel
Applications Mechanical parts and structural components requiring high strength and wear resistance General construction, fabrication projects, etc.
Work Hardening Yes, likely to harden during machining operations No, not likely to harden during machining
Welding Difficulty More challenging, preheating recommended Easier to weld, preheating not typically required

3.1018 Steel vs 1045 Steel

Attribute/Property 1018 Steel 1045 Steel
Chemical Composition    
Carbon (C) Content 0.18% 0.45%
Manganese (Mn) Content 0.60-0.90% 0.60-0.90%
Phosphorus (P) Max 0.04% 0.04%
Sulfur (S) Max 0.05% 0.05%
Mechanical Properties    
Tensile Strength ~58,000 psi ~95,000 psi
Yield Strength 54,000 psi 77,000 psi
Elongation in 2" 15% 12%
Reduction of Area 40% 35%
Brinell Hardness ~126 HB ~179 HB
Rockwell Hardness ~70 HRB ~85 HRB
Corrosion Resistance Less susceptible due to lower carbon content More susceptible, but improvable through heat treatment
Weldability Excellent, low carbon reduces risk of cracking Fair to poor, higher carbon can lead to cracking, requires preheat and post-weld treatment
Machinability Good, easy to machine due to low carbon Difficult, high carbon makes it harder and more abrasive
Applications Automotive parts, appliances, general machinery Gears, shafts, components under high load and stress
Cost Generally more affordable than 1045 Typically more expensive due to higher carbon content
Availability Widely available in various forms Less common, may require longer lead times or higher MOQs
Heat Treatment Annealing for ductility, hardening and tempering for strength Same, heat treatment can significantly alter properties
Other Considerations Better toughness, resistant to impact and fracture Higher strength and hardness
Conclusion 1018 offers excellent weldability and machinability, suitable for complex geometries and ease of fabrication 1045 provides greater strength and hardness, ideal for applications requiring durability and wear resistance

4.Which Steel is Harder 1045 or 4140?

Between 1045 and 4140 steel, 4140 steel is generally recognized as the harder material due to its higher carbon content and the presence of alloying elements like chromium and molybdenum, which significantly enhance its hardness and wear resistance.
Attribute/Property 1045 Steel 4140 Steel
Introduction Carbon steel known for strength and impact resistance Alloy steel with added chromium, molybdenum, and manganese for superior hardness, toughness, and wear resistance
Carbon Content 0.43-0.50% 0.38-0.43%
Composition (by ASTM A29) C: 0.43-0.50, Mn: 0.60-0.90, P: 0.04, S: 0.050 C: 0.38-0.43, Mn: 0.75-1.00, P: 0.035, S: 0.040, Si: 0.15-0.35, Cr: 0.8-1.10, Mo: 0.15-0.25
Mechanical Properties Offers good weldability and machinability; lower hardness Better strength and hardness due to alloying elements
Heat Treatment Easily heat treated to improve strength Achieves higher hardness and strength with heat treatments like quenching and tempering (QT)
Applications Preferable for parts requiring impact resistance Ideal for high-stress components such as axles, gears, and shafts
Cost More cost-effective due to simpler composition More expensive due to alloy content; offers superior properties
Working Characteristics Easier to machine Harder material may require advanced machining techniques

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